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Alhambra, Amsterdam - Essential, Dabba Walla, Graffiti, Kathmandu - Classic, Kokopelli, Marrakesh - Essential, Moonlight Market, New York City - Essential, Nova Roma, Rune Stones, Star Explorer und Nassau Classic from Queen Games are now in stock and ready for shipping!
All pre-orders will now be delivered!
All pre-orders will now be shipped.
The best builders in the world want to prove their skills.
Hire the most suitable construction crews and make sure you always have enough of the right currency in stock.
Whoever builds the most valuable Alhambra will win the competition for the most beautiful palace!
Order ALHAMBRA now at Spiel direkt eG. |
The players are influential merchants at the end of the 19th century. They produce a wide variety of consumer goods such as furniture, tiles and crystal glass and store them in suitable warehouses in the harbor until they are sold. Through the skillful use of cards and a clever choice of dice, they obtain resources that are crucial to the game. They can use these to take possession of blocks of houses, construct important buildings, hire experts or move their ship through the harbor.
Whoever shows the most skill and the best foresight will come ever closer to winning the game.
closer and closer to winning the game. The winner is the player with the most prestige at the end of the game.
Order AMSTERDAM -ESSENTIAL now at Spiel direkt eG. |
Spiel Direkt only distributes the german language version of this game!
Vormittags in Mumbai: Über 5000 weiß gekleidete Lieferanten schwärmen aus, um mehr als 200.000 „Dabbas", mehrstöckige Lunchboxen, in die Büros der indischen Metropole zu liefern.
Diese „Dabba Wallas" gehören seit 1890 wie eine Sehenswürdigkeit fest ins Stadtbild. Das zu Hause von der Familie frisch zubereitete Essen wird von den Dabba Wallas an der Haustür abgeholt. Die Dabbas werden über mehrere Zwischenstationen mit einer 99,999%-igen Zuverlässigkeit pünktlich in die teils weit entfernten Büros geliefert.
Order DABBA WALLA now at Spiel direkt eG. |
Come with us to the “Leake Street Tunnel” in London!
This is the canvas and stage for countless graffiti artists, whose works are admired by visitors from all over the world. Slip into the role of an artist and immortalize yourself in the tunnel. Get the permit and the spray cans to match your design to compete with the other players in the artistic competition and be crowned the best graffiti artist at the end!
Order GRAFFITI now at Spiel direkt eG. |
You lead an expedition and discover Nepal's diverse landscape, temples, cities and finally Kathmandu. Crossing the country is often tricky and requires good planning, the right equipment and a bit of luck. Draw native animal species, trade local goods in the towns and explore the many temples. Achieve as many things as possible on your way, but don't waste any time, because a storm is coming - and it's getting closer!
Order KATHMANDU - CLASSIC now at Spiel direkt eG. |
Spiel Direkt only distibutes the german language version of this game!
Die Feierlichkeiten haben begonnen!
Kokopelli ist ein spannendes Kartenspiel für die ganze Familie, bei dem es um das Eröffnen und Beenden von Zeremonien geht.
Jede Zeremonie verleiht euch unterschiedliche Fähigkeiten, die ihr clever einsetzen könnt, um für das Beenden von Zeremonien Punkte zu erhalten.
Durch die vielen Kartenkombinationen und der Möglichkeit, auch bei euren Mitspielenden Karten anzulegen, entbrennt ein spannender Wettkampf um die beste Strategie und die meisten Punkte.
Jede Partie kann mit verschiedenen Fähigkeiten gespielt werden, so dass es immer Neues zu entdecken gibt.
Order KOKOPELLI now at Spiel direkt eG. |
Spiel Direkt only distibutes the german language version of this game!
Marrakesh, „die Perle des Südens" Es gibt viel zu tun in Marrakesh! Als reiche Bürger der Stadt nutzt ihr eure Assistenten, um euren Einfluss in der Koutoubia-Moschee und im Bahia-Palast zu steigern. Konsultiert die Gelehrtenschulen, um Schriftrollen mit einmaligen oder dauerhaften Vorteilen zu erhalten. Streift durch die Souks und feilscht mit den Händlern um wertvolle Luxusgüter. Besucht den Marktplatz Djemaa el Fna mit seinen Wasserverkäufern, Geschichtenerzählern, Schlangenbeschwörern und Gauklern. Entdeckt Oasen in der Sahara und befahrt den Fluss Tensift. Aber vergesst bei all dem nicht, die Bevölkerung zu entlohnen sowie mit Datteln und Wasser zu versorgen!
Wem dies bis zum Ende der Partie am erfolgreichsten gelungen ist, der gewinnt dieses außergewöhnlich atmosphärische Spiel.
Order MARRAKESH - ESSENTIAL now at Spiel direkt eG. |
You are gifted in the craft of jewelry making and try to buy the most valuable gemstones for your magnificently decorated gold chains at auction. Always keep an eye on your competitors, because only those who enjoy the highest reputation in the end will be rewarded with a permanent position at the Emperor's magnificent court!
Order MOONLIGHT MARKET now at Spiel direkt eG. |
New York City is the most populous city in the USA and is famous for its skyline with its imposing skyscrapers. The many people need a lot of living space, so the players take on the role of developers and build new prestigious skyscrapers. To do this, they need a good team, construction plans, influence on the press and, of course, lots of dollars!
Whoever builds the majority of skyscrapers in the six city districts acquires the most prestige and wins the game.
Order NEW YORK CITY - ESSENTIAL now at Spiel direkt eG. |
In Nova Roma, you are the head of an ancient and noble Roman house. You must use your family members and followers to achieve various goals. Construct buildings, control sea routes, secure resources, organize races in the hippodrome and hire specialists. At the end of the game, the family that has done the most to please the emperor and achieve their own goals will emerge victorious.
Order NOVA ROMA now at Spiel direkt eG. |
It's time to find the most powerful druid and put him on the throne.
Players take on the role of druids who have to prove their skill with rune stones. They summon creatures through the use of magic and use their abilities to obtain valuable gemstones. With the help of the talented dwarves, these stones can be used to create a variety of artifacts that are required to create a rune stone. The more different artifacts a druid collects, the more powerful a rune stone becomes. Rune stones grant permanent abilities and power points. The abilities change the rules of the game to the druid's advantage, while the power points bring him closer to the throne.
Order RUNE STONES now at Spiel direkt eG. |
In Star Explorer, you take on the role of budding astronomers exploring the night sky.
1) Choose 1 of 41 unique constellations
2) Draw your constellation
3) Count your points!
Order STAR EXPLORER now at Spiel direkt eG. |
Hire a daring pirate crew and navigate through the Caribbean in search of treasure and adventure. Upgrade your ship, defeat octopuses, find treasures, plunder trading posts and conquer fortresses. Share your adventures over a campfire and a bottle of rum and earn the appreciation of all pirates.
The best-equipped ship with the most fearless crew will win the game in the end!
Order NASSAU - CLASSIC now at Spiel direkt eG. |
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Just have a look.
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the team of the Spiel direkt eG |