Newsletter 24-1204:
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Dear Customers,

on September 2nd will start two sales campaigns:

From September 2nd until September 30th the games Blindes Huhn, Novgorod and Tallin from OSTIA Spiele will be reduced in price.

From September 2nd until December 31st All-Star Draft from Suncoregames will also be reduced in price.


SALES CAMPAIGN FROM 02.09.2024 UNTIL 30.09.2024

Each player tries to collect chicken cards with the most points. As if it were not difficult enough to collect the bustling chickens, Blind Hens are sneaking among them causing trouble. But even a Blind Hen „sometimes finds a grain of corn“ (German saying).

The auctioneer offers three cards with chicken in different colors and with different values. But he only shows one or two of the cards to the other players - the other card(s) remain facedown! This way the auctioneer can try to play tricks on the other players. Is there a Blind Hen in the package coming up with minus points? Players with Golden Corns may relax, because a Blind Hen counts plus points when paired with a Corn.

In an auction round every player may give only one single bid. Thus, you have to think twice, whether you want to buy the package, although you are not sure about one or two cards. Consider that you have to pay your bid with the cards from your display. If you are on the way to get points for the majority in a specific color you do not want to use those ones to pay for new cards of uncertain value. In the end the you total of your three most valuable colors and add points for majorities as well as plus points for Golden Corns. Finally your Blind Hens score plus points when having a corn - and each Blind Hen that is bar of Corn scores minus points.

Order BLINDES HUHN now at
Spiel direkt eG.

SALES CAMPAIGN FROM 02.09.2024 UNTIL 30.09.2024

The Hanseatic League in the 15th century: you try to create a network of offices in the important cities, transport the commodities from the offices to the artisans that produce luxury goods for you enabling you to complete missions for seals (victory points). You may also use salt, jewelry or clothes to move on your career step by step. Improve your ship and buy more offices to travel to more cities per turn and do more actions. Find your strategy in every single game, as the artisans are assigned to the cities by random during the setup.

The variant in setup and the expert rules guarantee longterm fun.

Easy to learn and expert rules make the game fun for all kind of players.

Order NOVGOROD now at
Spiel direkt eG.

SALES CAMPAIGN FROM 02.09.2024 UNTIL 30.09.2024

During the 14th century TALLINN is an important city of the Hanseatic League. You are an ambitious citizen and try to become a powerful partner to the factions ruling in the city, namely Knights, Monks and Merchants. Take your chance to score, if you own the majority in a faction, or improve your position for the final scoring that may change things to your favor!

In Game Setup each player gets an identical set of influence cards, shuffle them and draw three cards to his hand. The cards show two halves with persons of the three factions in different combinations. In addition, each player gets a starting card with 3 persons.

Every Round you play one card simultaneously. You have to decide beforehand which half of the card you want to add to your display - the other half will be covered and ignored.

If there is a scoring symbol on your new card, you earn victory points for majorities in the shown faction: 2 points for every player who has less persons of that faction, 1 in case of a tie. After scoring you may build a tower. Building a tower is done by flipping a card from your display to the backside or putting a card from your hand facedown into your display.

Once all cards are played, all three factions score double the points for every player automatically. If you are 5 persons or more behind, you have to pay victory points to the player(s) ahead. Finally you score for your towers: evaluate the faction with the most persons on your tower cards and compare the number of that persons with the highest number of the other players towers. Since you score three times the points of a regular combat, the tower scoring may change the ranking in a significant way.

The box contains material for variants "Envoy of the Emperor" and "Chronicle", both were stretch goals during the crowdfunding campaign at Spieleschmiede.

Your main goal is to increase your influence step by step to transfer your majorities to victory points at the right time. But balance is the key - balance between scoring during the game and preparing for game end scoring. If you want to score during the game, you have to play a card with only one single person (in addition to the scoring symbol). If you decide to build a tower, you loose additional persons from your display, because you flip a card. This way you weaken your display and the other players may score the easy way in the following rounds.

You cannot be sure that you will get all the points you desire, because the cards are played at the same time and the other players may add some persons of your favorite faction to their display. Thus, your majority may fade before you earn points.

TALLINN is suitable for family gamers as well as experienced players at the beginning or closing of a long evening.

Order TALLIN now at
Spiel direkt eG.

SALES CAMPAIGN FROM 02.09.2024 UNTIL 31.12.2024

Don’t get cold feet! Prove yourself as manager by drafting the best players and sending them to this year’s All-Star Cup to secure victory. Keep in mind, a well-coordinated team will attract more fans! Finally, if you made your way through the Regular Season, the Playoffs await. You’re skating on thin ice now, because those who lose are eliminated straightaway!

Playing material: 12 Arena Cards, 108 Hockey Player Cards, 12 Coach Cards, 18 Team Bus Tokens, 12 Fan Tokens, 1 Scoring Board, 6 Playoff Tickets, 1 All-Star Cup

Order ALL-STAR DRAFT now at
Spiel direkt eG.

At the Spiel direkt eG you will find a unique range of games of exceptional publishers.
Just have a look.

Best regards
the team of the Spiel direkt eG
Note: This public online version of the newsletter does not contain any wholesale prices, in contrast to the newsletter sent to you by e-mail distribution list.
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