Roll dice.
Play cards.
Liberate yourself.
In Nirvana, players first roll dice and sum up the values to create cards for a card game. Whoever gets rid of all their cards first wins!
In more detail, in the roll-and-write half of the game, a player rolls three dice, then all players write the values in a colored area on their board. Each player also has a limited ability to adjust the value of the dice in this round. Once complete, the players sum the columns on their sheet as shown to determine the ranks of the "cards" in their hand.
In the shedding half, the players play a game based on the traditional structure known as Daifugō, with the start player playing one or more cards of the same rank, and the other players then either passing or playing the same number of cards but of a higher rank. The first player to "play" all of their "cards" wins!