Available in July 2021 - our new bilingual edition:
The sloth race story:
You are Sloths — cuddly, lazy, and (oh well) slothful.
All Animals (including humans) like to take vacations, so everyone is together at a country resort. You Sloths are sitting around in your beloved trees, of course, while all the other Animals are running throughout the resort. You want to look around, too, and traveling around the resort to pick up tasty Leaves would be great — but running around yourselves is just too tedious. All the other Animals are having fun, and you want that, too, but...you are so slothful.
And then you have an idea: You‘ll let yourselves be carried around by the other Animals, thus getting around nicely. The other Animals have so much energy that they will gladly carry you. They aren‘t slothful! Which of you Sloths will be the first to get through the entire country and be victorious? You are ambitious, but so lazy!